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By Jonah Wang

There are so many things that I’ve learned during this semester.  One of them would be that I don’t enjoy using Zoom anymore.  It’s become very painful to attend a meeting and over time long meetings become unbearable and I almost fall asleep.  I’ve also learned that it’s very hard to do group projects on Zoom.  Not everyone wants to talk or contact each other, not everyone is on the same page, and big groups are bad.  Everyone wants to talk, make a point, or state their opinions.  Some people can’t contribute as much as others, but that could be a good or bad thing depending on the type of person.

There are many things I did and didn’t like, the first having to worry about everything I touch when I go outside.  Something I did like and got a lot of though was the many quality of hours sleep.  The many straight hours of just doing school work though is something that I wish I had less of to do.  Everything was so rushed and there were so many things to do in such a short time span that I couldn’t give my all to every assignment that I did.  Something else I wish that I had was more dedication, patience, and time for every assignment that was due.

There are many things I did and didn’t like, the first having to worry about everything I touch when I go outside.  Something I did like and got a lot of though was the many quality of hours sleep.  The many straight hours of just doing school work though is something that I wish I had less of to do.  Everything was so rushed and there were so many things to do in such a short time span that I couldn’t give my all to every assignment that I did.  Something else I wish that I had was more dedication, patience, and time for every assignment that was due.   The interview project was a big thing that I didn’t enjoy doing.  I have never talked to strangers that I wasn’t introduced to beforehand, and I believe the reason I didn’t have the courage to interview people that were directly (or indirectly) involved in my topic was because of Coronavirus.  It’s made me a lot less gung-ho than I was during the real school year.  If I would have done this at school then I would have been a lot more comfortable getting a refusal.  Covid-19 has made me a lot more scared and more prideful I guess.  I was scared of getting no as an answer and would probably not take no as an answer. 

The work we did was very rushed and because of our limited time it isn’t something I’m not very satisfied with what we did.  Our contact wasn’t very good and we didn’t make much small talk.  If we were at school we’re kinda forced to talk and converse with each other, but that’s a good thing because we get to know each other and then over time we get more comfortable around each other.  It’s easier to converse with other people when they aren’t across the internet.  People can mute themselves or turn off the cameras so you don’t get accustomed to their faces or voices.  I couldn’t really contribute or make choices, but I guess that’s fine because right now I’m in a “creative block” I’m not really.  I don’t really like to do group projects (but that’s kinda why i took the class) because it’s easier to do projects than to get to know people and try to become friends with them (especially if you're an introvert).

My favorite project that I did was the ASF that I didn't use.

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