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When this summer course began on June 9, I had little to no knowledge of digital design or journalism. I expected it to be difficult with the minimal skills I possessed, but I was soon proven incorrect. The class caters to its lessons, presuming that you don't have any prior knowledge, and I'm thankful for that. The most significant lessons that will benefit me in the future are probably the inverted pyramid, AP stylebook, copyright/fair use discussion, and interview procedures and recording. The one assignment that stands as my favorite was the Ezine photo challenge, based solely on the fact that it was pleasant.


This course overall felt a little rushed, which it is merely by nature. Typically it may not have been this way, but due to the sudden situation regarding COVID-19, it may have been amplified. In the beginning, there was a lot of confusion, especially regarding blend and those who could not access the assignment properly. Yet, as time progressed, the chaos slowly dissipated into more of a cohesive classroom atmosphere. To move on from the more negative aspects, what I appreciated the most was our instructor, Ms. McGuire. Her lenient and kind attitude was extremely welcoming, and I felt as if I had nothing to stress over. 











As an upcoming freshman and participant of Summer Ezine 2020, it would be a blatant lie if I said the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic hadn't affected me or my experiences. In fact, I genuinely believe the class would've to be a lot more enjoyable if we weren't stuck behind a computer screen. There have been many hindrances as a result of quarantine. For one, many of the programs used by prior Ezine classes were not at our disposal, but we still made do with the provided substitutes. Despite these setbacks, I believe we have achieved a great end result in the allotted time. I, myself, am happy that I could work with such a talented group of people. Without the help of everyone's collaboration, I doubt we could've made it this far. 


Through I am grateful for my teammates, communication was definitely a major difficultly. From the beginning, we had some difficulties getting in touch with each other due to AISD email complications, but after we did, working together wasn't much of an issue. There were a few instances where none of us really reached out to each other despite having the means to. After these past few weeks, I've realized that I never interacted with anyone outside of the group. Possibly, if this class had taken place in-person, that wouldn't be the case. Even so, studying remotely like this has led me never to have the inclination to build any further bonds or know the other peers who participated in the class. Coming from an extremely small school, I neither felt isolated or overwhelmed, but rather the underwhelmed.  Even though this was a pleasant course, I would've enjoyed taking Ezine a lot more during the school year. 


My Favorite Project:

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